CSS Basics Example Document h1 { color: black; text-align: center; font-size: 26px; font-family: verdana; }

To put CSS files in HTML, use... CSS Rulesets Selector - p { Property - color: red; Declaration - } Properties - With these, you can style a HTML element, like for example; color. Property Value - This chooses one of the possible options for a given property, like red for color. You can also write css like html{color:red;} You can also put styles in HTML elements.

You can also select multiple elements at once like... h1, h4, h6, h2 { color: red; } Text Elements font-size: 10px; - Size are in pixels font-family: verdana; - Fonts text-align: center; - Can align to the left side, right side, or in the center of the webpage. text-shadow: 3px black - Shadow of text. Can be in pixels and colors. font-size: 26px; - Text size, can be in pixels. Padding Elements padding-top: 50px; - Separation. Can be top, left, right, and the bottom in pixels. margin: 50px; - A margin. Can be in pixels. border-width: 5px; - Border width. Can be thin, medium, thick, or just pixels. border-style: dotted; - Border style. Can be dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, none, or hidden. Can also be colored. width=500px; - Width of the element. Can be pixels or percentages. Color Elements color: red; - Color of the element, can be hexadecimal, or RGB. background-color: white; - Background color of the element. Extra: Centering Images img { margin: 0 auto; display: block; }