Javascript Basics Including JavaScript in an HTML Page Call an External JavaScript File Including Comments Single line comments - // Comment Multi-line comments - /* comment here */ Variables var, const, let var — The most common variable. Can be reassigned but only accessed within a function. Variables defined with var move to the top when code is executed. const — Can not be reassigned and not accessible before they appear within the code. let — Similar to const, however, let variable can be reassigned but not re-declared. Data Types Numbers — var age = 23 Variables — var x Text (strings) — var a = "init" Operations — var b = 1 + 2 + 3 True or fase statements — var c = true Constant numbers — const PI = 3.14 Objects — var name = {firstName:"John", lastName:”Doe"} Objects var person = { firstName:"John", lastName:"Doe", age:20, nationality:"American" };